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Plastic mould

time:2016-09-23 16:52 source:未知  click: second
        The analysis believed that, our country plastic industry high speed development set the more and more high request to the mold industry.In the year of 2004, the plastic mold accounts for the proportion in the entire mold profession to rise to about 30%, it will also maintain the high speed development in future several years.

       The domestic plastic mold market casts the mold demand to be biggest, in which development priorities for engineering plastics mold.The related data indicated that, at present only the automobile profession needs 360 thousand tons of each kind of plastic system ; The electric refrigerator, the washer and the air conditioning annual output surpasses 10 million sets.Color television annual output already ultra 30 million sets. In the year of 2010, in building materials profession, plastic windows and doors popular rate is 30%, the plastic tube popular rate will achieve 50%.These can cause to the mold demand to grow large scale.

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